The (e.g.) Clinic
In my clinic room, I help people who feel sad & depressed, worried & anxious, confused, trapped, and stuck. I help people with mild to severe mental ill health. This can include mental illness diagnoses, always includes mind healing, and a focus on making sustainable change.
I really care about what matters to you, as opposed to what’s the matter with you. I care about what has happened, and not happened, in your life and how I can help you make sense of your past, present, and future.
I like to think that I am open, honest, warm, kind, thoughtful, and scientific.
You are able to contact me via phone call 03 5222 3044.
I see people with or without a GP referral and Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP); however, you will require a GP referral and MHTP in order to access Medicare rebates.
You might be interested in my qualifications, they are: Doctorate of Clinical Psychology, Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Psychology), Member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS), and Fellow APS College of Clinical Psychologists.
My aim is sustainable change. To do this I use the treatment approaches of Schema Therapy, Contextual Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), transformational dialogues, and foundational and advanced mindfulness skills.